Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by sigismund »

To pa pomoje težko kdorkoli od nas komentira. Predvsem mi je pa čudno da bi mu dal pogodbo do 2025 (edino če ni on to želel sam kot pogoj da sploh pride, pač da se malo zavaruje in potegne keš v smislu sacka).
Je pa včeraj umrla kakršnakoli ideja da bi Chelsea pod Romanom lahko kadarkoli ustvaril neko dinastijo v smislu Fergusonovega Uniteda. Če Frank ni dobil časa, potem ga nihče ne bo. Danes sem se sprijaznil da bomo novega trenerja iskali 2022 ali 2023. Žalostno, ampak tako Roman in naše vodstvo delujejo. Težko jim karkoli očitamo saj nam je v preteklosti to ogromnokrat prineslo več veselja kot žalosti, pa vseeno.

Primeri naših dolgoročnih planov: Muri, Di Matteo, Conte so najbolj taki ki se jih spomnim, daleč daleč najbolj pa sem verjel v projekta AVB in Lampard. Kako se je končalo? Prej kot v 2 letih.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by Chelsea_fan »

Jst pa mislim, da ta ideja še ni umrla. Lampard ni imel referenc za vztrajanje.. Od vseh trenerjev, ki smo jih imeli bi lahko edino Mou-ju dal šanso za nekaj zgradit. Jaz iskreno vidim dolgoročni plan samo z kakšnim mladim vrhunskim trenerjem ala Nagelsmann.

Vidim težavo pa v temu, da npr.. te vrhunske ekipe ala City, Liverpool, da ko so oni v krizi so v krizi iz vrha lestvice.. ali vsaj tik pod njim. Recimo liver sedaj doživlja rečmo manjšo krizo in je samo 6 točk za vodilnim Unitedom.

Glede Tuchela pa res nimam neke predstave kaj nas čaka.. zlo zlo me zanima kakšno postavitev bo izbral. Sam upam, da bo videl napake kot so Dansko drevo, Azpi itd.. predvsem pa upam res upam, da se izognemo igranju s neskončnimi predložki. Želja je, da Tammy postane prvi napadalec in da vidimo končno nekaj več od Kai-ja, Tima itd...

Zanimivo bo :)
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by sigismund »

Lampard’s relationship with influential director Marina Granovskaia deteriorated

Ralf Rangnick was offered interim job last week for four months but turned it down

Calls were made in recent weeks to sound out Leipzig’s Julian Nagelsmann

Leicester game was tipping point and morning after spent trying to finalise successor

Lampard shook players hands and thanked them for efforts under him after Leicester match

Petr Cech involved in talking to new stars’ agents as form dipped

Some players complained about lack of tactical instruction and not being spoken to for months

Desire to re-sign Declan Rice annoyed his bosses

The dressing room felt manager showed no empathy and were hurt by his public criticism

Lampard would have walked out had he been working for any club other than Chelsea

tensions behind the scenes really began to emerge during the January transfer window 12 months ago. Lampard asked for Arsenal forward Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, who was considering leaving Emirates Stadium at that juncture, and Ajax’s attacking midfielder Hakim Ziyech. Neither arrived that month

it was at this juncture that Mauricio Pochettino, who had been fired by Tottenham in November 2019, and RB Leipzig coach Nagelsmann were being mentioned as a potential “plan B”.

things were becoming more tense with Granovskaia and one of the biggest points of contention was the treatment of goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga. “They clashed over Kepa. Lampard put in a request for a replacement and was told he should try putting his arm around Kepa, to help build his confidence. Lampard was insistent though.”

Lampard wanted the club to sign West Ham midfielder Declan Rice and pushed for him again ahead of January. But some at the club had reservations about re-signing the player who was released from the academy as a teenager.

In December The Athletic were told: “He needs to stop pushing for Rice or he’ll lose his job. The hierarchy are very wary about the potential embarrassment of buying back an academy reject at huge expense.”

of the six players to join, only Ben Chilwell was a Lampard target.

plan was not only to acquire Rice, who Lampard felt could be converted into a top centre back as well as using him as a defensive midfielder, but also to buy James Tarkowski from Burnley. Defenders earmarked to go were Fikayo Tomori, Marcos Alonso, and Rudiger. There was even talk that Lampard was open to the idea of captain Cesar Azpilicueta departing.

after the Manchester City game, Roman became “very, very unhappy”. ( After the season relationship between Roman and Lampard was "strong"

Tuchel was reluctant to come midway through the season initially but was eventually persuaded, having almost taken the Stamford Bridge job before Antonio Conte a few years ago. He felt it was too good a job to turn down.

“The problem was, the manager didn’t talk to the players — well only the ones he liked"

One senior player told The Athletic that Lampard staying on for the rest of the season would have been a ‘catastrophe’, with the levels of tension in the dressing room to high to recover from and players comparing his criticism of performances to Jose Mourinho in his final days at the club.

By the Fulham game in early January, players were expecting Lampard to be sacked if they didn’t win

Lampard warned everyone, including the hierarchy, that a title bid was unlikely in 2020-21, that the arrivals would require patience to settle into a new league and country.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by m4t1c »

n1i9k9o6 wrote:Sicer Tuchel še ni uradno,ampak bo prej al slej.
Kako mislite,da bo pod njim zgledala postava in formacija?
Glede na vse možne formacije ki jih je uporabljal pri Mainzu,Dortmundu in PSGju res ne vem kaj pričakovat,od začetka najbrž 4-3-3 kar smo do sedaj večinoma prakticiral.
Tuchel največkrat perferira 433 z napadalno igro.
V Dortmundu je pogleg 433, poizkusal tudi z 4141 in razne kombinacije z 3 zadaj.
V psgju je poleg najljubse 433 igral tudi z 442, je pa isto poizkusal z raznimi 352.

V glavnem, mislim da bo prilagodil formacijo tistemu kar ima na voljo.
V Chelseaju bi znal igrat 433 ali pa celo kaksen 4222 z visokim pressingom. Pricakujem ofenzivno usmerjene beke in veliko gradnje igre preko centralnih vezistov.

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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by sigismund »

Komentar na angleškem forumu, ki sem si ga nekako najbolj zapomnil.

Wow, I really cant believe that the fans asking for Frank to be released from his duties are being slammed as plastic, glory hunters, etc. This is just outrageous and its not like they were calling for his head without a solid argument for that claim. Each and every one of us asking for a change listed out arguments as to why we want it and when this is all a fact, we are being bashed as plastic. I am sorry, but this is idiotic. We are all fans of the same club and being shamed for asking a change is not the way to do it.

I can understand why the old guard here have their arguments, however, if we were to think with our heads and not hearts, we would see that today is not any different than other times when a manager go the axe. Take Sarri for example. People were calling for him to be fired 5 matches into the season. Why were no one mentioning morals and values of the club. We need to be able to distinguish Frank the player and Frank the Manager. His legacy will never be questioned here, he will always be a blue, no matter what and I do believe that if he improves on his knowledge and experience, he will be back one day with JT on the wheel, prove us all wrong and finish what he started.

There is no denying that there is a lot of logic behind the sacking. Many valid arguments have been made by the others. Some of the bullet points are as follows:

- We are 6 months into the season and we never got an identity and a solid starting XI. Even during the winning streak, we were looking shaky and clumsy and there was always the impression things were not going well;

- I am willing to agree that Frank was also selecting players based on his preferences and not actual work being done on the training ground and the pitch. For example, Mount has played on multiple different positions this season with the sole purpose of him being in the squad. I respect that he is a lad from the Academy and all but there were numerous occasions when he was abysmal and never got to the bench. I dont know what is going on during training, but I do believe that there were other players who deserved more to be on the pitch than him.

- Frank was outclassed and outcoached by other managers despite them not having the resource he has at our club. And I am not talking about Carlo, Klopp and Pep. I am talking about Santo, Arteta, Hassenhutl, Rodgers, even Scott Parker was going to take points off of him, only a dumb play by a player of his prevented him from that otherwise the game was going strictly in his favour;

- We never got a style of play that we all hoped we would have in the summer. We were only relying on possession based football and countless of meaningless crosses when we were clearly not suited for that, especially when our only capable player - Giroud was on the bench;

- Frank's record as a manager is the worst of every other manager we had during the Roman era. That alone is a fact that can not be ignored and some would argue that even AVB had more ground to be given more time;

Its understandable to say the least why most of the fans are reacting this way. But bashing the others that agree with the decision is not the way. It will only divide us during these hard times and will lead to no good. I am not confident in Tuchel either and was much preferring to see Allegri take over but we need to trust Roman as he is the one who brought us where we are now.

Anyway, I wish Frank all of the best, I sincerely hope he will find a place where he will be able to fully show his potential and gain the necessary experience and knowledge to succeed at the top flight. I will happily accept him back if he were to take this job again in the future.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

Res je, včeraj popoldne sem si vzel malo več časa in malo bolj pogledal zgodovino Tuchla, ma je praktično ni formacije, ki je ni igral :D Vse kar si napisal+ 4-1-3-2 pa 4-3-1-2, na določenih tekmah tudi klasičn 4-2-3-1.
Je pa pri njemu predvsem to, da se formacije ob različnih delih igre zelo razlikujejo, v presingu z recimo formacijo 4-4-2, nato pa u obrambi s 5 zadaj, pri gradnji napada 2-3-3-2 ipd :D
Edino kar je skupno vsem ekipam kjer je bil je to, da je vselej želel imeti močno ofenzivne beke, glede na to, da imamo Jamesa in Chillwela mislim, da je lahko zadovoljen na tej poziciji.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

Tuchel je sedaj tudi uradno potrjeno,a v nasprotju z govoricami o pogodbi do 2025 je dobil le 18 mesečno pogodbo z možnostjo podaljšanja.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by blueboy11826 »

No sigismund ocitno je blo res tko kot smo govoril.. zgubljena slacilnica. Mal presenecen sem bil ko sem videl, da je bil zgolj Chilwell tarca Lamparda in tuki mislm, da se že vse začne. Ne dobiš igralcev, ki si jih hotel, čeprav je klub zapravu 200 milijonov. Te okrepitve potem ne igrajo dobro in verjamem, da se tko začnejo problemi v slačilnici. Kdo ve kakšna bi bila zdajle situacija z Riceom in Tarkowskim, za katera tut js sam že 2 leti nabijam, da bi nam zlo prav pršla.
Znano je že, da naši trenerji ne dobivajo igralcev, ki bi si jih želeli, sm pa mislu, da bo pri Lampardu drugače.. pa ni. Definitivno se zdej vidi razlog slabe igre in predvsem nezadovoljstva na in ob igrišču. Kar pa pri Lampardu res ne zastopm pa je,da Tomori ni igral. Upam, da ga Milan ne odkupi.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by michooo »

Če bo Tomori dobro igral, ga bodo odkupili. Če ne bo dovolj dober za Milan, potem pa ni dovolj dober tudi za nas. Ne mormo zmagat v tej situaciji
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by sigismund »

Billy Gilmour, Tino Anjorin, Marcos Alonso and Olivier Giroud are staying at Chelsea. Thomas Tuchel wants to go on with this squad until the end of the season. #cfc #DeadlineDay

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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by blueboy11826 »

Spremljate kej Barkleya? Igra res odlično, na CAMu, je pa že pri nas pokazal, da lahko odlično igra tudi v obrambi (ko je tistih par tekm igral kot CDM). Mislm, da nm bo drugo sezono še kako prav pršu na tem klasičnem CM položaju z igro visokega pressinga.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by RedMiner »

Men se zdi, da ma on premajhen work rate... ni delavec, to pa v vrhunskih ekipah potrebuješ skoraj na vseh pozicijah.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by michooo »

Že zdej na CAM poziciji med seboj tekmujejo Mount, Ziyech in Havertz. Ga ne vidim, da bi prišel kdaj na vrsto za igro :). Na CM pa mislim, da nikoli ni neki briljiral.
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by blueboy11826 »

Mogoce res ampak se pri Evertonu, zdej je to tezko rect, ker dela po igriscu dost vec kot v njegovih mladih letih. Ze sam to, da lhk igra dejansko v kakrsnikoli formaciji dost prinese. Recimo Havertz je cist zgubljen ce ne igra na CAM (pa se tam nazalost pri nas ni pokazal nic), Tuchel pa zaenkrat igra formacijo brez tega polozaja. Ce je ze govora o work rateu - mamo na CM 2 igralca, ki imata odlicnega Kante in Kovacic, res jih je povsod po igriscu polno in pa Jorginha, ki je na sredini res aktiven, koliko pa prinese v nasi in nasprotnikovi tretjini je pa druga pesem... skratka verjamem, da nasi spremljajo Barkleya in da drugo leto dobi sanso, da se izkaze pri nas
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Re: Ekipa, udarna enajsterica in taktične zamisli

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

https://www.instagram.com/reel/CLIC4xKn ... 460axs1pf6

Upam, da bo v naslednji sezoni dobil priliko v prvi ekipi :) :)
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