André Villas-Boas

Teme o bivših igralcih, trenerjih itd.

Ali se strinjate z odstavitvijo AVB-ja?

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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by bojan3 »

mogoce nebi bilo slabo ko bi lahko torres in dani skupaj igrala v spici...
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by rover »

Villas-Boas sacked by Roman, Gourlay and teenabaum after squad training at Cobham at lunchtime
Nekej je blo zelo narobe na treningu, da so to naredili.
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by sigismund »

Pol je mogla bit pa ornk p***arija da so vse to danes uštimali? :(
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by loonymcgreat »

kaj nej bi ta angleski stavk sploh pomenu ? teenabaum ? :idea:
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by dore »

Bi si kdo želel za novega trenerja Fabia Capella? Sam bi si ga. Že sedaj ali pa pač poleti. Njegov pomočnik pa Ray Wilkins. To bi bilo sanjsko. Fabio dobro pozna sedaj premier ligo, ker je bil sedaj nekaj let selektor Anglije. Kot primer, danes je United začel kar z 7 angleži in enim S. Ircem.
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by VIP »

Ko se ravno razočaran vračam iz Kranja naenkrat slišim po radiu to veselo novico. :lol:
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by rover »

Ne vem a je to resnično ali ne:
Ed note: I wrote this last week, and now it's even more topical. So I'm posting it again. It's my blog, right?

So. You want to know what really happened to Andre Villas-Boas? Are you prepared for the truth? It's ugly. The answers lie deep within Stamford Bridge... and, also, after the jump.


There is a great activity on the platform. Six stewards frantically prepare the chamber for use. A special coffinlike container is put into place. Frank LAMPARD stands to the side, looking sinister. Andre VILLAS-BOAS is muscled towards the contraption, accompanied by defenders Ashley COLE, Branislav IVANOVIC and Jose BOSINGWA. Ersatz midfielder Raul MEIRELES is also with them, as is owner Roman ABRAMOVICH.

Andre VILLAS-BOAS: (to Ashley COLE) What's going on...buddy?

COLE: You're having your contract... frozen.

Roman ABRAMOVICH moves away from the group to Frank LAMPARD.

ABRAMOVICH: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

LAMPARD: The fans will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!

Realizing what is about to happen, Branislav IVANOVIC lets out a wild howl and attacks the stewards surrounding Andre.

IVANOVIC: >:(. Rwwwwarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Within seconds, other reinforcements join the scuffle, befuddling the giant Serbian bear-man with their complicated words and such. From the instant of IVANOVIC's first move, Jose BOSINGWA begins to scream in panic while he tries to protect himself with his enormous eyebrow.

BOSINGWA: Oh, no! No, no, no! Stop, Branko, stop...!

The stewards are about to confuse IVANOVIC even further with their words and instructions.

VILLAS-BOAS: Stop, Branislav, stop! Do you hear me? Stop!

BOSINGWA: Yes, stop, please! I'm not ready to start at right back again. I may never be!

VILLAS-BOAS breaks away from his captors. LAMPARD nods to the stewards to let him go and the manager breaks up the fight.

VILLAS BOAS: Bran! Bran, this won't help me. Hey!

VILLAS-BOAS gives the Serbian bear-man a stern look.

VILLAS-BOAS: Save your strength. There'll be another time. The princess - you have to take care of him. You hear me? Fernando needs your help.

Andre winks at the Serbian bear-man, who wails a doleful farewell.

IVANOVIC: Mwaaaaaarrrrr! :-(

In a flash the guards have slipped binders on IVANOVIC, who is too distraught to protest. Andre turns to Raul MEIRELES. They look sorrowfully at one another, then Andre moves toward him and gives him a final, passionate kiss.

MEIRELES: I love you!

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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by bojan3 »

rover wrote:Ne vem a je to resnično ali ne:
si ti bolan? to itak da ni res
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by sigismund »

da fuq? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

while he tries to protect himself with his enormous eyebrow.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by rck2own »

Mislim da se je to res zgodilo
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by loonymcgreat »

seems legit
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by Grugar »

It's my blog, right?
All rights reserved.
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by The Blues »

"Nisem presenečen, da se je to zgodilo. Kar koli je naredil, je bilo narobe. Pravzaprav je bil brez prave podpore. Se je odločil, da umakne starejšega, predvsem pa motečega igralca iz moštva, je bila napaka. Se je odločil za pomlajevanje ekipe, so ga kritizirali. V takšnih razmerah tudi najboljši trenerji težko uspejo. Nisem presenečen, ker ga prav nihče ni več podpiral. Zanje je ta hip najpomembnejše to, da začnejo graditi zasedbo za prihodnost, da vztrajajo tri leta pri nekem programu, in ne da vseskozi težavo iščejo v menedžerju,"
Last edited by The Blues on 04 Mar 2012, 18:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by rover »

rck2own wrote:Mislim da se je to res zgodilo
Tukej je celoten članek - weaintgotnohistory.
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Re: André Villas-Boas

Post by sigismund »

to ni članek. To je izpoved zadrogiranega modela. -> ala Dogodek v mestu Gogi :lol: :lol:
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