#17 - Mohamed Salah

Teme o bivših igralcih, trenerjih itd.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by Trivinho »

Treba dati šanso Salahu, ampak se bojim da bo končov kot Sturridge...
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by glosos »

Trivinho wrote:Treba dati šanso Salahu, ampak se bojim da bo končov kot Sturridge...
Se bojiš da bo trgal? :P
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by Trivinho »

glosos wrote: Se bojiš da bo trgal? :P
ja v drugem klubu, ker ko se bo pojavil nekdo bolši od njega bo moru zapustit klub in bo trgu v drugem klubu..
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by didier »

Salah je že ok. nakup, ne vem kaj zganjate eni. KDB in Mata se pač nista znašla v Moujevem sistemu, klub je pokasiral ok. 70 mio. evrov. Letos je pač SP in taki nogometaši enostavno morajo igrati.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by balla10 »

hahah :) še dobro da nismo kupili preizkušenega igralca za ca.50m€ ker potem bi ti isti ki zdaj pljuvate po upravi spet pljuvali zakaj tako dragega pa, da tega ne rabimo in da ni vreden denarja itd... zdaj pa nekateri pišete in komentirate igralca katerega še niste videli igrati. Tega ne razumem... itak da škoda, ker Mata odhaja, ampak boljše da gre kot pa da sedi na klopi. Preden se karkoli zgodi najdete vse slabe stvari, potem pa če se obrnejo v dobro ste pa pametni kako je vse super fajn...a prvo je treba pošinfat vse... 75% ljudi na tem forumu je takih..in 75% ljudi v naši državi je takih...potem pa smo tu kje smo...
Če že ne morete biti optimisti vsaj ne bodite pesimisti.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by AlexAK »

bom se najprej dotaknil teme o Mati in potem o Salahu...

jaz mislim da Mata ni tak igralec da se ne bi trudil na treningih oz. da ne bi dajal vse od sebe za klub. Mislim da gre pri tem prestopu za sporazumno odločitev trenerja, kluba in igralca in jaz dam vsakemu prav. Mata je izjemen igralec, vsi ga bomo pogrešali in je trenutno sigurno boljši od Salaha. Vendar njegove kvalitete so takšne da v trenutnemu sistemu Chelseaja ne pridejo do izraza (se mi zdi da ne paše niti v sistem Uniteda ampak za to mi je praktično vseeno). Zato je letos sedel na klopi in zato nam gre bolje brez njega. Prišla je ogromna ponudba 40m, ki jo je bilo pametno zagrabiti, sploh če je v ozadnju še kakšen dogovor o prihodu Rooneya, katerega vsi vemo da si ga Mourinho želi in tudi meni se zdi da je pravi tip napadalca za nas. Žal mi je Mate ampak mislim da smo s hitrejšimi, bolj prodornimi tipi igralcev v takšnem sistemu boljši.

Tak igralec pa je ravno Salah, hiter in prodoren, v bistvu točno tak kot nam že dolgo manjka...levičar, ki bi z desne znal potegniti noter in zaključiti. Čeprav je njegova kakovost na vrhunskem nivoju še vprašljiva, je star komaj 21let in bi se znal razviti v odličnega igralca. Najbolj pomembno se mi pa zdi da nam da novo opcijo v napadu, podobno kot Hazard na levi strani. Samo do tega nivoja bo potreben še čas in marsikaj drugega, zato pa počakajmo. Fant je še naiven in pogosto pretirava ampak mislim da ga Mourinho lahko spravi v red. Jaz zaupam obema odločitvama.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by bork »

Ne vem, js osebno sem pričakoval kakega bolj uveljavljenega desnega wingerja (levičarja), glede na ambicije, ki jih imamo. Recimo Hulka ali pa Di Mario...no o tem, sem že itak pisal dva dni nazaj, se ne bom ponavljal.

Glede Salaha, pa upam da me preseneti. Do konca sezone bomo že vedeli, "kje smo" in če lahko z njim nadaljujemo. Drugače pa 1 leto posoje, potem pa prodaja v kak manjši klub.
Kakorkoli, če ne bo dovolj dober za prvo ekipo, bomo pa vsaj nekaj zaslužili.

Sem si pa pregledal ogromno posnetkov na youtubu. Navdušil me ravno ni, razočaral pa tudi ne. Kake izjemne tehnike ni bilo videti. Izstopata pa hitrost in nepopustljivost. Večinoma nasprotnika "preigra" tako, da mimo njega brcne žogo in laufa za njo. Po domače povedano. Ko ga bodo podvajali tega ne bo mogel počet.
Me je pa tud nekaj drugega presenetilo. Da ni pomagal toliko v obrambi, kot bi marsikdo pričakoval. Ubistvu nič več kot pomaga Mata. (Gledal sem njegove predstave proti boljšim klubom ala Chelsea, Schalke, Bayern)
Mogoče sem malo preveč kritičen, drugače pa sami preglejte in presodite.
Aja, pozitivno me je presenetilo, da ima jajce in samozavest, da včasih iz kazenskega prostora zaključi pod "prečko". Po domače povedano, ni ga "strah" zabit gola. Veliko je "ziherašev", ki potem streljajo preslabo in jim golman ubrani.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by didier »

Salah bo tako back-up. Ofenzivna trojka je znana (Hazard - Oscar - Willian), tako da bi bilo zdaj nesmiselno kupovati še enega WC wingerja, ker potem bi moral na klop eden od zgoraj naštetih.

Še nekaj - je kdo pomislil, da se nam s tem nakupom odpira velik egipčanski trg (ok. 80 mio. folka) + navijači (Basla) v Švici. Salah je največji zvezdnik reprezentance Egipta in prvi zvezdnik švicarske lige...

E: Pubec pri 19, 20-ih letih
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by didier »

Če koga zanima, kako je sploh prišlo do tega deala. Salah ni želel k nam, ker ne vidi prave priložnosti za igro, na silo ga je prodal Basel zaradi naše boljše ponudbe od Poola (2 mio. več + boljši bonusi).

Emm, zakaj ne morem dati teksta v spoiler (oz. ga skriti)?
Ok guys, I was the source the RAWK source during this whole thing. I didn't want to reveal myself cause I didn't want to get bombarded with PMs every couple of hours about him, but since this one is basically as good as over for us, there is no harm in pointing out some details about this transfer to let the RAWK universe know how much we ***** ed up during this transfer as my source is as close to the player as you can get.

First of all, let me tell you that I'm not a fan of the club overpaying by any stretch, I hate it when clubs like City or Chelsea pay over the top fees for the likes of Lescott or Shaun Wright Phillips cause that means the market is inflated. However, just because the market is inflated doesn't mean that there are some players out there who are worth a good chunk of money to be paid for.

There is also a fine line between being too smart and being too smart for your own good, I didn't exactly followed the ins & outs of our other negotiation models with the other targets in the summer but there is a pattern developing of us missing out on first targets like Dempsey, Mkhitaryan, Costa, Willian and bar a miracle now, Salah. It is hard to properly judge the transfer committee plus I feel for the scouts who have their hard work cut out for when a club comes in and gets the players we have been following for months.

Now we were following Salah closely since October, we sent a lot of scouts to Basel games, began negotiating in November and his agent met with Ayre in the West Ham game to discuss terms with them. We had a verbal agreement with Basel regarding everything and we quickly became Salah's favoured destination as he saw us as a club where he can grow, get a lot of 1st team action and become a world class player. I don't know what happened between Salah's agent and Ayre, but the impression that the club got from that meeting was that, in reality there is no way Salah is going to leave for anyone bar Liverpool and/or there are no real offers on the table for Basel bar us. When we got to sending Basel our opening offer, it was a laughable offer well below what was verbally agreed upon, think of Wenger 40 million plus one pound bid, this was even more laughable.
Basel raised their as a result of being pissed off. We tried to up our offer but it was again well below what was previously agreed upon and Basel didn't want to lower their demands as they sensed that we were wasting their time. They even began courting other clubs that Salah is available. Milan & Inter thought that Basel's original demands were too high for them, Leverkusen, Wolfsburg & Monchengladbach were ready to pay but Salah didn't want to go to Germany. Basel tried to claim that Atletico was interested but it was a bluff by all accounts, however a host of other clubs wanted to be kept updated on the deal one of whom was Chelsea.

Since we saw that Salah didn't want to go to the Bundesliga and with no other club offering Basel any offer, we assumed he'll stay there till the summer and we can re-open negotiations, but Newcastle offered Basel a good first offer and now him coming to us in the summer was in doubt if Basel & Newcastle agree a fee. That's why we came back with a much more improved offer, almost what was verbally agreed upon before the window even started. Salah's personal demands were also agreed previously so there was no problems with him & his agent, just us agreeing some minor details with Basel. Chelsea, who were updated on the deal, at last asked about his availability and Basel asked about 8 million more than what we were offering (they tried to fleece Chelsea and I'm sorry last night I got confused cause I misunderstood my source as telling me Chelsea offered 8 million more, which isn't true) but Chelsea really offered a couple of million more than us but with a lot of add ons that favour Basel heavily, we didn't even hesitate and backed off, not even matching their deal.

The only thing stopping Salah from going to Chelsea is that he doesn't want to go there, full stop. Him & his advisers believe he won't get much playing time there and if it is in his hands, it is better to stay at Basel and wait till the summer to get his move, however Basel want to sell & get their money now and begin scouting their next target (who will also be from Egypt). There is a third club who asked for Salah's availability (my source won't tell me cause Salah doesn't want this to go public as he prefers to join that third club over Chelsea and doesn't want a repeat of the fiasco surrounding his negotiations with Liverpool) but like I said barring a miracle, most probably he won't be our player come the end of the window.

What makes this irritating is that we wasted three months of scouting him, weeks of negotiations and then tried to lowball Basel and looked stupid at the end when we fell flat on our arses. Board wise, there have to be some questions asked about how good we are at negotiating some deals.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by bork »

Ta citat je zgolj potrdilo, kako nesposobna je Liverpoolova uprava. Če bi jim bil tako všeč, bi že iz prve dali višjo ponudbo, še preden so se drugi klubi začeli zanimat za njega. Potem bi to prvo ponudbo le še nekoliko izboljšali in Salah bi bil njihov.
Itak je vsak prestopni rok tak, da dlje kot čakaš, višja je cena igralca in večja je možnost, da ti ga kdo "vzame". Samo eni se zgleda, da nič ne naučijo.

Ne bom rekel, da mi je Bayernov sistem kupovanja igralcev všeč (ker se mi ne zdi fer do igralčevega trenutnega kluba npr. BvB-ja), je pa nedvomno učinkovit. Kaj podobnega bi lahko tudi mi izvajali, sploh sedaj, ko imamo Mourinha in nek dolgoročni načrt. Sej možno, da so kaki tihi dogovori, sam to vse skup ni nič. Ker potem pride samo do višanja cene, ko se tudi drugi klubi začnejo zanimat za tega igralca. Pri Bayernu recimo pa uprava že takoj na začetku postavi stvari na svoje mesto in da drugim klubom jasno vedeti, da je nek igralec že njihov in da škoda poskušati.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by loonymcgreat »

nevem kolko je ta scouser res in the know samo po tem prebranem sestavku se mi zdi, da bo naš novi dečko večinoma grel klopco. Upam, da je všeč Vitesseju @8)
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by blueboy11826 »

Spet naj bi se neki zanimal za Hulka, ki igra na desnem krilu. In če ga kupimo - kaj bo pol s Salahom? Edino če gre Hulk v špico, je lahk Salah menjava Willianu. Pa kot sm že napisu: upam da me Salah preseneti!
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by rover »

Salah mogoče sploh ne bo igral za Chelsea, ker nima delovnega dovolenja in bo potem odšel nazaj na posojo.

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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by jernej93 »

rover wrote:Salah mogoče sploh ne bo igral za Chelsea, ker nima delovnega dovolenja in bo potem odšel nazaj na posojo.

Mislim, da to ne drži, ker je stalni član svoje državne reprezentance :)

Sam zdravniški prestop morjo v Švici izpeljat, ko bo prestop uradno potrjen pa lahko dobi delovno dovoljenje v Angliji.
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Re: Mohamed Salah

Post by rover »

Chelsea won't sign off Mata deal until Salah completes move. Salah terms/medical/work permit will take at least a couple of days

David Ornstein ‏bbcsport
nima še delovnega dovolenjea in problem je, da je Salah nacionalist in ne mara Judov.
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