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Re: Novice

Post by glosos »

Kar nekaj, res smo smešni
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Re: Novice

Post by sigismund »

Trivinho wrote:Men ga je zou, ker mislim da so se kle igralci proti njemu obrnil, in ta poraz verjetno so nacrtoval..
Za novega trenerja bi rd nekoga z autoriteto ala Zidane kjer ga bojo vsi spostoval.
Mourinho, Conte, Tuchel, Ancelotti, you name it, pri nas se je vedno slačilnica naprtila in kratko je potegnu trener pa naj bo še tako elite level. 20 let ista zgodba ki se kot cikel ponovi na 2-3 leta. Garantiram da pri nas Klopp in Guardiola ne bi dočakala treh pomladi.

Grahm Potter je baje naša tarča ampak kaj ko ga pri Brightonu igralci cenijo in spoštujejo, pri nas pa bo kaj? 2 poraza in še en punt.
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Re: Novice

Post by chelsea boy »

Po temle upam, da imamo najslabšo možno sezono. Katastrofa. Daš trenerju 280mio za zapravit, pol ga pa odpustiš en teden po koncu prestopnega roka. Ja slabo igramo, ampak konec koncov imamo isto točk po 6 tekmah kot v sezoni 2016/17, ko smo bili prvaki. Sramota.
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Re: Novice

Post by sigismund »

Tudi sam je prispeval k trenutnemu stanju, igrati fante ki si to ne zaslužijo, igrati fante konstantno izven pozicije, nobene taktične adaptacije več mesecev ko evidentno ne gre, pač šok overall.

Drugače pa iskreno mislim da je Tuchel sam odkorakal, še kdo? Ne daš trenerju toliko keša in zaupanja da ga odpustiš teden dni kasneje, ker če je temu tako, potem je interno nekaj hudo narobe ampak mi za to ne vemo.

In bolj kot gledam zdaj za nazaj včerajšnjo tekmo, bolj mi zgleda kot sabotaža s strani igralcev.
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Re: Novice

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

Chelsea have sacked Thomas Tuchel. He was informed this morning. The decision is not only down to mixed results or a reaction to the poor Dinamo loss alone. It’s part of a wider summer of strategic change, too.
The new American owners had every intention of sticking with Tuchel when they first joined. And by spending £270m+ they backed him with a record spend. But there were doubts (and eventually friction) over how he handled the ownership transition.
Tuchel was given more responsibility and ultimately authority. To some degree every manager wants this, but with Boehly as interim sporting director Tuchel’s role became pivotal. Boehly and Tuchel were in daily contact, often for hours. There was a constant stream of calls.
Tuchel became frustrated during the window and communication broke down at times right when Tuchel’s input was needed the most. This was pretty apparent at times in America.
Tuchel wanted to focus on football. New owners, on the other hand, felt he could have done more to aid with transfers. This was very obvious during parts of the failed chase for Raphinha and Jules Kounde. Xavi was far more part of the pitch.
Romelu Lukaku’s exit didn’t influence much, although he was frank with Boehly before he left. But it started a trend of Boehly talking directly and openly to players, including Cesar Azpilicueta, Thiago Silva and Reece James.
In the end there was a feeling, even before indifferent results, that a new manager might be better for a new era. This is also in part because the Abramovich tenure was so atypical in many ways it might be easier with a new boss.
Tuchel is obviously hugely respected. But told the new owners want a manager who is both a fit the team and business, with the latter so different to the old regime. Graham Potter is the early favourite to replace Tuchel.
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Re: Novice

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

Back to Square One again.
Chelsea spends big money on players chosen by Tuchel.
Club sacks Tuchel.
Now his replacement has a squad full of players that he doesn't want.
New manager won't be able to fix problems before he's sacked.
The Circus continues and we keep rolling the dice

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Re: Novice

Post by mlinko »

Po včerajšnjem porazu nisem prebiral medijev. Ampak prejle si pa rečem, mam občutek, da je Tuchel odletu. In odprem Sky in evo res.


Never a dull moment with us.

@sigismund haha pomojem nam res samo še Lassotov BELIEVE pomaga.
CFC :cfc01:
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Re: Novice

Post by chelsea boy »

Od Brightona smo dobili dovoljenje za pristop k Potterju. Zdaj pa naj nekdo reče, da je to nadgradnja Tuchla. Kateri angleški trener je v zadnjih letih naredil karkoli pametnega?
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Re: Novice

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

Potter je top trener. Taktično odličen, kaj vse je on potegnu iz Brightona je velik uspeh, glede na kvaliteto kadra, ki ga je meu. Vprašanje pa je, a je zmožen vodit tudi bolj zvezdniške igralce in njihove naduvane karakterje...
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Re: Novice

Post by bork »

Najlažje je pa vedno slačilnico obtožit :roll:

Krivo je to, kar je Niko zgoraj prilepil… Todd in Tuchel nista bila na isti valovni dolžini, očitno sta različno razumela Tuchlovo vlogo v ekipi in je pač počilo. Slabe predstave pri tem niso pomagale, a vsekakor niso bile ključni razlog.
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Re: Novice

Post by bork »

Graham Potter je pa drugače odlična izbira in če je že Tuchel moral iti, bo pravo olajšanje, če ga bo zamenjal Potter. Še več, govori se celo, da naj bi bili prvi neformalni kontakti s Potterjem narejeni že pred tedni… naključje ali pa tudi ne, pa je, da tudi Potter uporablja podobno taktično postavitev, kot jo je preferiral Tuchel.
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Re: Novice

Post by n1i9k9o6 »

It came from nowhere this morning, news that Chelsea have ‘parted company’ with head coach Thomas Tuchel.

I was just as shocked and surprised as all of you. Rob Pratley had whispers on Tuesday night that Tuchel was about to be sacked on Sunday, but deep down I didn’t think that would happen. Turned out it happened sooner.

I understand that the decision was made some time ago to sack Tuchel, and the decision has come from the club. However, the reason Rob has said that it is mutual is because it is also correct that Tuchel has considered walking and taking a break, with a lot of personal things going on with his Ex-Wife etc. But, this decision was purely from Chelsea.

What went wrong?

It’s stemmed from many concerning performances, a breakdown of communication from the summer from Tuchel to the new owners, and to the players. The style of communication has also been questioned. Tuchel and the new owners have had a few disagreements over many things, and the intensity from Tuchel was not there during pre-season.

One source tells me: “It was a preseason unlike any other, nothing like Conte and others, it was super relaxed and there was no push.”

Tuchel’s energy didn’t seem to be there or seem to be right, and there was many relationship breakdowns with players. In the end, I am told he has lost more than half the dressing room, whether that be due to arguments, fallouts, lack of communication, not being played, not being played in their favoured positions, or players not backing Tuchel’s ways and style of play. All of the above caused friction and issues between the players and the coach, and Tuchel’s heart just wasn’t in it anymore.

He lost the trust of key players in the dressing room, and there won’t be many players who will be truly upset that he has been sacked. I have been given a long list of players who don’t have a good relationship with Tuchel, and I first started being told this months ago, if you remember my recent article about losing key players in the dressing room? Under Tuchel, 70% of our current squad WANTS/WANTED to leave, that is where we were at. And they wanted to leave because of Tuchel.

I don’t even think this is a case of players downing tools you know, I genuinely feel like the relationships had just broken down so much that in the end, the new owners didn’t have much choice.

There was concerns from the new owners with the football being played, and of note, there was a concern that the football hasn’t been good since deep into last season. The owners believe this is the correct decision to make to take the club forward and they are looking for a manager of their own to provide stability and longevity.

They have plans in place for new managers, but as of yet there hasn’t been anything leaked. I believe that Graham Potter is more than in the plans and talks have already started, as exclusively reported this morning.

Some of the players just didn’t enjoy playing under Tuchel, and it wasn’t just one or two. And you can hardly sack the whole squad, can you? For this reason, and the fact that the football had become so bland recently, I believe that the new owners didn’t really have much of a choice, despite me taking the stance earlier that I didn’t think Tuchel should be sacked yet. I backed that stance, but you can also reflect and change it.

I have weighed it all up and looked at all the reasoning and spoken to KEY sources in the know and behind the scenes, and to me it really does look like that although it might seem a rash decision, it might actually be the right one. Time will tell of course.

Chelsea are looking at new managers now as already mentioned with Potter. But other names mentioned to me are Mauricio Pochettino, Zinedine Zidane, Roberto Mancini, Luis Enrqirue, and Julen Lopetugui.

I think it will be easy for us all to say the players have caused this, and maybe they have in a sense, we don’t truly know without being there. Maybe it was them, but maybe it was Tuchel? However, there is always more than one side to these types of stories and I urge you all to take a measured approach to your reactions here. It’s shocking news for sure. But when you read all of the above, and know all of what I have been reliably told, then you might actually feel like me, that there wasn’t really any other choice for the club.

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Re: Novice

Post by blueboy11826 »

Razen Ziyecha in Pulisica nevem kdo bi se še kaj pizdil, vsi redno igrajo, rezultati do zdaj so bli dobri, letos pač slabši začetek ampak nič kritičnega. Tut men je veliko bolj logično, da je bil spor z lastnikom.
Potter res dela super pri Brightonu in igrajo lep fuzbal, tako kot je tudi delal Eddie Howe pri Bournemouthu, z ne ravno najboljšo ekipo so igrali precej dobro in gledljivo.
Čeprav nevem zakaj bi Potter sprejel našo ponudbo (ok finančno gledano ja) - super mu gre z Brightonom, pri nas nimamo pojma kako bo, še vedno smo klub v dokaj čudni situaciji in pri Brightonu si lahko privošči par slabih rezultatov, pri nas pač ne. Pa tudi ob naslednjem neuspehu Southgatea naj bi bil prvi v vrsti za reprezentanco, tako, da nevem zakaj bi pred svetovnim menjal klub.

Hvala Thomas, z moje strani ni ene zamere proti njemu.
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Re: Novice

Post by bork »

Se strinjam z Blueboyom.

Koulibaly, Sterling, Cucurella, Fofana in Auba so prišli predvsem zaradi Tuchla in definitivno niso Tuchel-out tabor. Tuchel-out niso niti Silva, Kante, Kovacic, Chilwell, James (ze podaljšal pogodbo) in Mount (v pogovorih za podaljšanje). Je pa nedovmno bil spor z Wernerjem in Lukakujem ter s Pulisicem in Ziyechom. Samo roko na srce to niso ključni igralci, ker itak skoraj ne igrajo in neverjetno se zdi, da bi ti 4je tako porušili kemijo v slačilnici.

Najlažje je krivit igralce in s tem oprati ime upravi.
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Re: Novice

Post by sigismund »

Potemtakem je uprava blazna saj so mu želeli 14 dni nazaj podajšati pogodbo (fake news?), prispevali pa so tudi izredno veliko keša za okrepitve po njegovih željah, 7 dni po prestopnem roku pa ga odpustijo (navidez) čez noč. Crazy. :)
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